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Be joyful and share your joyfulness with all whom cross your path.

April Peerless


Rise above your pain because we have all been hurt. May we act in love and compassion towards all living beings in this new era. After all,love is the most beautiful gift we have to offer and it is who and why we are. April Peerless


Listen from the heart, speak from the heart, live from the heart That’s whats real! May all we do in our lives come from our hearts, because, this not only honors others, but it also gives honor to ourselves. April Peerless


For me one of the most heart touching events are those people who arrive during a difficult moment without knowing it’s perfect timing. They bring a good ear, love, smile and comfort. I am thankful to them and thankful also that Creator sends comfort in many ways. April Peerless


Some things are little life treasures; like puppy breath, a country road and butterfly kisses.

April Peerless


One of the most beautiful journeys we can ever take in our lives, is that which calls us to journey within.. Be brave..Follow that voice that is always calling you to journey within.. Once we take that journey within, all that is outside of us becomes even more beautiful than before..

April Peerless


When an Animal puts their trust in us, may we never let them down.. April Peerless


May we act in love and compassion towards all living beings in this new era. This time of Spiritual awakening.. April Peerless


Start reflecting on all that is good and see how fast your life changes. A.Peerless


We are all in this time of life together so love one another. We must try to understand our differences with an open mind and heart because with a little understanding, fears will dissolve like melting ice. April Peerless


A strong person is able to admit that they bleed just like everybody else. A strong person will not let life harden their hearts. A strong person will never take kindness for weakness because they understand what that feels like. A strong person is willing to stay kind and forgiving and try to be wiser spiritually rather than just worldly. I say to all the worlds truly strong people,”Keep going, keep loving and stay strong! April Peerless 2014


There are times in my life when my body aches. I am getting older, it is to be expected. There are times in my life when tears fall gently down my cheeks. I am a caring person, so that is to be expected. There are times in my life when I can understand another’s suffering, I have been blessed with compassion so it is to be expected. I have experienced joy, sorrow, love, dislike, the rain on my face and the sun warming my whole body, the flowers blowing gently in the breeze, I have felt utter loss and complete defeat only to rise again and never to stop being a caring heart. I have experienced all these things and more because I am human and it is all to be expected. I have lived, but all is well with my Soul.

April Peerless2014 ———————————————————————-

The sacredness of life is a gift. Find the joy in your journey, because it is a way to say thank you to life.

April Peerless


Oh to be like a bird for one brief day. Fly away, fly away. April Peerless1999


Spiritual practice is the ability to love even when you have been hurt and misunderstood over and over again. It’s the ability to get over it and rise to love again. April Peerless2009


Crystal Palace In my dreams a forgotten place, of ancient secrets of light and grace. By and by to never ending reborn back again to my beginning. Home again, home at last! My gift received from journey`s past. A heart that bled, a heart that smiled. Even while old an innocent child. Ahhh,embraced by love into the light. At long last, my journeys flight. April Peerless2004


Life is a gift from our Creator, the most beautiful art in existence.. May we all be grateful for it each and every day… April Peerless


We are not the mistakes we have made.We are that which wanted to change because of them.

April Peerless


The most beautiful relationships are the ones where you can sit in the same room with another yet be so relaxed that it feels as if you are alone.

April Peerless


Deep within is the jewel of my true essence, which sparkles and shines like a beautiful diamond in the rough, untouched by worldly rules, wildly free and without limits. April Peerless


As the first blossoms during spring begin to open, may we also open our hearts and pour out only love in each season of the year.

April Peerless


When it comes from the heart, Magic happens! April Peerless


Love is Universal. No one should be left out. We have all felt the pain of it, embrace one another anyway. Love and peace should be what the new world order is all about.



Love not only human beings but other living creatures as well. There is so much to learn from each species. April Peerless


It is one of the joys of life to discover each part of nature and the beauty within it, then understand it’s natural flow which in return enlightens the observers own Soul.. April Peerless


To love all animals is to love all life. To love all life, is to be rooted in your spirituality.

April Peerless


It is our job to learn to love others that we have never met and to learn that, there is work to do within.



There comes a point in everyone’s life that we have to take the time to simply find ourselves.. April Peerless


If everybody loved everybody we would know we found Heaven! April Peerless


If we could actually hear what an animal thinks. If they could talk to us, we would cry aloud and beg forgiveness. Animals are spiritual beings too.. ©April Peerless2013


To watch the unfolding of another Soul, that is what brings me a joyful heart..

April Peerless


All that we hold on to, everything we love, this is what becomes a part of us.. April Peerless


It’s all about the journey and all we have learned. It is all about keeping the ability to love no matter how much we have been hurt. April Peerless2014


We tend to seek out others who are similar to ourselves, when the real beauty in life is to learn from those who are different. Mantra: Today I choose to expand my limited thinking. April Peerless


May we open our minds and our hearts while in this beautiful Era of Spiritual awakening and embrace each other for our differences rather than just our similarities.. April Peerless2013


It’s true; life can break our hearts, but afterwards we are stronger in those places.

April Peerless


If you want to make a positive difference on this beautiful planet during the trials we are all going through, just be Love. Nothing else, just Love.

 April Peerless


One thing I find quite beautiful is a person who’s heart has been broken but still they are able to love. April Peerless2013


If you feel that our World seems to be Spiritually connecting, that is because we are.. April Peerless2012


Do not judge me for who I was or even for who I am now because I am bound to evolve Worldly and Spiritually up until my body dies. Then I will be as a butterfly who sheds its Cocoon from it’s newly winged body and fly’s away with many new and beautiful secrets to tell.

©April Peerless 2013


As we get older life becomes so clear. It is all about family, good friends and love. It’s all about the journey and all we have learned. April Peerless


An important knowledge is to understand that we are surrounded by mystery.Our inner voice leads us naturally to places we can not see or touch with our worldly eyes and hands. And we understand naturally that we are far more than our bodies and our life within this world alone. There is a yearning that leads us on a quest into the mysterious.Embrace the mystery of all you can be!

April Peerless2012


It isn’t wise to try and change people. Just love them as they are instead. If a change is meant to happen it will happen because of love. Love is what changes us. April Peerless


True healing will begin with your thoughts. Master your thoughts and you master your life. A.Peerless


It is never a weak thing to be kind and gentle. In fact it takes strength to carry this yoke and also wisdom to have compassion for those that do not. . April Peerlesss


Nature is a reflection of the majesty of our Creator. May each part of it bring to us a grateful heart. April Peerless2013


I’d rather have my life be a little harder and keep my soft heart, than to be closed off to feeling anything at all because my heart became cold.



I have found that it is love that changes us to becoming better people. It is love that brings to us our own personal truth, through. It is love that brings to us spiritual enlightenment.

April Peerless


When it is my turn to go I will send butterflies to all that I love.. April Peerless 2000


When something is done from the heart, it will always touch others in their hearts. April Peerless


We are not the mistakes we have made.We are that which wanted to change because of them.

April Peerless


Creator; I would like to become as if I were a walking prayer. Where everything I see becomes a prayer. Where everything I cannot see becomes a prayer. Where the mountains and the smell of pine becomes a prayer. Where all the birds singing their songs becomes a prayer. Where the flowers dance in the breeze, that which is also the breath of our human existence becomes a prayer. Where the sky turns into stars and is endlessly continuing on and on into the mysterious. That which urges me to seek deeper,into the mystery of life itself. You are in them all creator. You are the beginning and you are the end which is endless. You are in all that carries life.You are life itself and life is all connected. May I never take these gifts for granted. April Peerless2014


May our eyes see the beauty that surrounds us in each and every moment. May our hearts stay strong and may love conquer greed and hatred.

April Peerless


Nature is my favorite teacher. I have learned more important things about life from nature than I ever did from school. April Peerless


A beautiful Soul can see the good in most everyone and the heart see’s beauty in all things! April Peerless


One of greatest beautiful moments come from those moments of clarity that are life changing. April Peerless2014


One of the most beautiful journeys we can ever take in our lives, is that which calls us to journey within. April Peerless


All it takes is one act of kindness to give someone hope again, so one act of kindness is that important.. April Peerless


You know in your heart when it is right and it is true..Trust no other but your own intuition. April Peerless©2014


Expand your horizon. Don’t stay stuck in a comfort zone. April Peerless


When I look to nature I hear our creators voice whisper, ”Be still and just be in this moment.” In this very moment a blessing comes forth with a peaceful vibration that resides in the silence. All is how it should be. Just be. Just breathe.

April Peerless


Some dogs are angels on earth. April Peerless2012


A strong person is able to admit that they bleed just like everybody else. A strong person will not let life harden their hearts. A strong person will never take kindness for weakness because they understand what that feels like. A strong person is willing to stay kind and forgiving and try to be wiser spiritually rather than just worldly. I say to all the worlds truly strong people,”Keep going, keep loving and stay strong! April Peerless


Trust in your dreams because dreams are your passion and in them it is likely you will find your purpose. April Peerless2014


My Soul is awake.My heart is at work.I embrace every part of my being to seek new spiritual wisdom. April Peerless


We are not learning new truths, we already know the truth. We are simply being reminded.. A.Peerless2013


Life doesn’t always give you the people you want, life also gives you the people you need. There will be people that love you, dislike you, hurt you, help you, leave you,stay with you, all to make you the person that you are meant to be..

April Peerless


One of the most beautiful sounds we can hear while existing on this planet, is that of our own heartbeat. April Peerless


You’ve got to take the good with the bad in life, the trick is to focus on what’s good.



May today bring you joy. May today bring you love. May today be the day you let go of all that doesn’t serve you in a positive way.

April Peerless


One of the most heart touching events are those people who arrive during a difficult moment without knowing it’s perfect timing. They bring a good ear, love, smile and comfort. I am thankful to them and thankful also that Creator sends comfort in many ways.

April Peerless


The wisdom we have gained in our lives, comes from two places.That of the head and that of the heart. April Peerless


Finally when we get to that place inside,we know it is the right place because we realize that life is truly beautiful after all.

April Peerless


I see miracles whenever I look with my heart.

April Peerless


All of the smallest wonders we experience in our lives, should make us realize just what a magnificent being we truly must be. To love all nature is to be rooted in our spirituality. A.Peerless


I learn the deepest life-lessons through my harder trials, because I refuse to let my harder times go to waste! April Peerless


Today and everyday, shower the World with good seeds! April Peerless


When we see life from the heart we become a person with empathy and compassion. With empathy and compassion a whole new understanding emerges. Life becomes more precious and people become more lovable through a new understanding. April Peerless2014


Love connects us to those who have already left this life. April Peerless


Sometimes being a person with compassion hurts, but I would rather have that pain than to feel no compassion. April Peerless2015


I love my child heart, more now that I am older. It keeps me opened to many mysteries where without it, I could not see. April Peerless2015


The people in your life are there for a reason. Some for a while or some for a season. They are there to teach you some sort of life-lesson. A good one or bad one both are a blessing. So smile through the tough times, laugh when you can. Love everybody that lives on this beautiful land.



We don’t need anyone to pray for us. No one is holier than we are ourselves. Take the middle-man out and that is your true connection with your creator.. April Peerless2012


Life has taught me yet again that it is okay to share anything at all as long it is from the heart. April Peerless


I’m a Free spirit for life.

April Peerless


Life is filled with blessings. Don’t forget to count yours! April Peerless


We are here to earn our wings..

April Peerless


Decide you want to grow spiritually, and then honor that decision.If you want it, you have to seek it through the heart of you. April Peerless


A lot of the times when we feel lost, we are actually flying and we just haven’t landed yet. April Peerless


In the silence, I can feel the love of our Creator. That which is also a part of me. That which is also a part of you. We are all connected.

April Peerless2013


Teach your children while they still listen, when young, how special their human existence and life are, but, just as important if not more so, what a miracle their true existence is within their very soul.. If they go on a hard path while older they may not listen to you anymore but they will remember that which is within and with that,are likely to find themselves once again.. by April Peerless2014


Don’t let life’s trials harden your heart. Learn to seek the lesson. The most beautiful spiritual gifts are most likely to have evolved from your hardest trials. April Peerless


If you don’t make time to laugh, you have no music in your heart. Like the wolf during a full moon, May your heart have many songs to sing. April Peerless


When there’s that place that just feels empty and you can’t find it in the world, it could be you’re just looking for that within you’re Soul.. April Peerless


Ebb and flow naturally in life. Do not fight against the currents. Let what life brings happen, then allow it to drift away when it has taught you what you needed to learn from it.. Embrace this and carry on.. April Peerless


The World does not want to be saved. It wants to be loved. That’s how we save it. April Peerless2001


Animals are Earths Angels. They lift us up when we feel down. April Peerless


May peace, Love and Joy, conquer war hatred and fear. Think it, believe it, speak it! April Peerless


Every living thing known to us while we are here can teach us about the natural flow of life.All we need to do is pay attention.



Every sad, mad, happy or joyful face has a story to tell.. We all have a story to tell.. A.Peerless


We must realize our connection with all beings and nurture our compassion by understanding our differences. With understanding compassion will evolve and with a compassionate heart, love will soon follow. April Peerless


Even to the smallest creatures, we should have care and respect. They are here to help us not hurt us. Please don’t kill the honey bees. . April Peerless


As the flower of my Soul begins to open, the colors of his light begin to flow in. Silence is the language of the spirit. Make sure to sit quietly to hear it. April Peerless


There must be a time to connect to who we really are and learn to see life through the eyes of love and give to life with the heart of love. The day money became more important than love is the day we lost our way. Love is all that really matters. April Peerless


There are times a person may cross our path but are only meant to be in our lives for a short time. These people often leave life changing footprints in our hearts that will last for a lifetime. Today I am grateful to those who have not only touched my heart but also my Soul in a way that I will never be the same again. April Peerless


Learning to love yourself can sometimes be hard work. It can be harder yet when we have things we haven’t dealt with from our past.These are things we need to accept and let go of. When we truly have forgiveness not only for others but ourselves as well, life begins to unfold in a beautiful, loving way. Once we have acceptance letting go happens naturally. Now we begin to live a more beautiful life. Now our heart becomes one of kindness and compassion and understanding for ourselves and for others.. Now we are able to embrace life and live life through our heart, not our head. April Peerless


Soar as high as you think you can go, then go higher. April Peerless


I have yet to see an Animal that hates. I suppose that is something else we can learn from them. April Peerless


One day I realized I didn’t have to be perfect. I realized it is grace to be perfectly flawed. April Peerless


Every person we meet through out our lives, will teach us something. When all this is over all that will really matter is how we treated each other. April Peerless


May all that we learn each and every day be about love; to give love, receive love and to be love. And may this love bring the peace and healing that our world so desperately needs. April Peerless


Be in the moment. That Moment is now.. April Peerless


In my walk with nature an inner calm comes over me. It is magical and appreciated. It is God’s gift for my rejuvenation. April Peerless


A new world emerges, when we embrace love. Not just for our fellow human beings but also for all living beings. April Peerless


Love all of life and you will be grounded to that which is the very essence of your Soul. April Peerless


If humans were perfect, we would have nothing to learn and nothing to strive to become. A.Peerless


Spread your invisible wings and teach yourself, just how amazingly high you can fly. Block out how high you have seen others go and take a huge leap into the unknown, where you and you alone learn the depths and the mysteries of life itself. Feel that feeling, now stay there.. April Peerless2014


May every single souls Love become so strong during these rather scary times in this world that we see yet again that love conquers all and that there is nothing more powerful.. April Peerless


There is a kind of silence that is pure magic! It is the kind you can taste with your Soul! A.Peerless


The day I stop changing and learning, is the day I Spiritually die. April Peerless


Be guided by the love of Spirit, not by the fears from Ego. Ego brings in fear. Love brings in peace.. The love of Spirit is the food for our Souls. April Peerless


When we act in love and compassion towards other people, we are helping to heal our world. Each of us must realize that It starts with ourselves Each of us should be a light unto the World. April Peerless


Don’t wait for the extraordinary to feel energized. but rather hold close the common occasions and see them as extraordinary! Now we are energized, now we are grateful! April Peerless


Trust in your dreams because dreams are your passion and in them it is likely you will find your purpose.

April Peerless


It is a material world, where everyone wants more and more things. These people are less rich than those who are poor and want for little. to be truly rich, hold close your spiritual heart and seek out the jewels of your Soul.

April Peerless


Everyday is a journey, My wish for you on this day is a beautiful journey! April Peerless


If we remain brave love will conquer our fears, breaking the hold that binds into a thousand pieces. Our Soul is now free to fly, never looking back unless it is a gesture of compassion for another. April Peerless


Often those who grow up poor find that the
truest treasures are the simple pleasures.

April Peerless


Spiritual Practice is the ability to love, even when you have been hurt. It’s the ability to get over it and rise to love again… April peerless


The beautiful awakening has come to this time and place. I knew in my lifetime I would see the light of our Creators grace… In the silence of my heart, I heard the language of his spirit. With one tiny turn I shook but didn’t fear it.. I shuttered with the colors all within me.White and yellow turn into a light green. As the flower of my Soul begins to open, the colors of his love begin to flow in. Yes silence is the language of the spirit. Make sure to sit quietly to hear it.

By April Peerless2012


Every morning when we wake-up we have the beautiful opportunity to start again. A.Peerless


May love bring us peace and healing that our world so desperately needs. A.Peerless


Being authentic is so important if you are wanting to live a spiritual life. You have to get real to see what is real. April Peerless


If you feel that our World seems to be Spiritually connecting,that is because we are. April Peerless


Fear is an illusion.Don’t let it control you.. April Peerless


All spiritual journeys may very, but they lead to the same place. The core of our spiritual journey will always lead us to love. Love is our destiny! April Peerless


A wise woman once spoke to me while I slept. She was my ancestor. Try as I could when I woke, I could not remember what she had said to me, but, my heart remembers and that is good.. April Peerless


I am everything and nothing in the same moment.. I am light and I am darkness. I am the breath of the trees and the depths of the Universe. I am not there or here, I just am. April Peerless


Always have compassion.. People who have compassion are so beautiful. Let us not forget also, to be compassionate with ourselves. April Peerless


When we act in love and compassion towards other people and all living beings,we are helping to heal our world. Each of us must realize that It starts with ourselves.Each of us should be a light unto the World. April Peerless


There are times a person may cross our path but are only meant to be in our lives for a short time. These people often leave life changing footprints in our hearts that will last for a lifetime. Today I am grateful to those who have not only touched my heart but also my Soul in a way that I will never be the same again. April Peerless


May our Souls guide our way to more spiritual wisdom, And may we shine bright enough so that others will see that they are on a spiritual path too! April Peerless2014


You are never alone because in truth we are all connected. April Peerless


Children naturally live in the moment and they allow that moment to be what it is; ”magical and beautiful in every way. April Peerless


Life is a struggle but with the right mind set it can be a beautiful struggle April Peerless


I believe that we plan our life-lessons before we are born. When my life becomes bitterly hard, I reflect back to this note to self. I then understand I have an important life-lesson at this very moment. I embrace this and carry on. April Peerless


Tune in to the frequency of the pulses of the soul. The soul is a living being whose language is the silence and the breath is peace. A.Peerless


May we never stop loving all the simple things in life.Like flowers, the country and animal kisses.

April Peerless


We are meant to love animals, not hurt them.. Money should never be more important than they are… A.Peerless


Sometimes it is beautiful, just to be alone.. A.Peerless


As I break new ground each day, I know that doors will open for me. I know my hunger for new wisdom will show me the way. May all that we learn each and every day be about love, to give love and to receive love. And may our love bring the peace and healing that our World so desperately needs. April Peerless


We are so lucky to be able to pick our own family in our lives if we want to.. These are people we have shared our hearts with and they with us too. These are people who might disappear for years but we always end up finding each other again and it is like we have never been a part when we do. These are people that may be far away from us but are always, always held closely in our hearts. We were so very young when we first spent years living a bit reckless to say the least. Now again in our mid years we are able to shine together because we made it through. We are not blood, but she is my sister and for that I am so grateful. April Peerless


May we all widen our circles of love while in this era of Spiritual awakening. We are all just learning to ”love” while we walk one another home..

April Peerless


Speak not about sorrows but rather claim your joy instead. Think it, speak it and believe it and your life will be it!

April Peerless


I see miracles whenever I look with my heart.

April Peerless


May we all let go of whats wrong with us and hold closely all that is right with us.

April Peerless


Be guided by the love of Spirit, not by the fears from Ego. Ego brings in fear. Love brings in peace.. The love of Spirit is the food for our Souls.

April Peerless2014


You know when someone is true to you if they reach out to be there and have absolutely nothing to gain from it. April Peerless


It is one of the joys in life to discover each part of nature and the beauty within it. Understand life’s natural flow and in return it will enlighten the observers Soul..

April Peerless


I am deep.. I am shallow.. I am opened.. I am closed.. I seek.. I love.. I fall.. I have been torn within my spirit and drawn into the dark place. It was because of no one, but from only myself.. It was there I saw the light and heard a voice that began calling me saying ”Come dance with me and you will be freed and I will share beauties through your heart.” I reached.. I touched.. I did not shudder.. I took and opened my essence unto the light.. Ah embraced by what I truly sought. I accept.. I let go.. and I fly and I seek..

@April Peerless1999


Loving people that we never met, can only come from deep within our Souls. When we are able to do that,we know that we are and have been on our true spiritual path..

April Peerless


Everyone spends their whole life chasing money around the clock instead of whats real. Make sure you take time for you, because with all your hard work this is the best gift you can give to yourself. A.Peerless


Live in peace and with care, even among those who fight. Live in joy and with love, even among those who hate. Live in compassion and with care, even among those who allowed their life to harden their hearts.

April Peerless2014


Don’t think you have wasted time. The spiritual path is not always doing the right things or not making mistakes. It’s not a race.. Every single Soul blossoms in it’s own time and in it’s own way..

April Peerless


May we never stop loving all the simple things in life.Like flowers, the country and animal kisses.

April Peerless


We are meant to love animals, not hurt them.. Money should never be more important than they are…



Once our heart is opened and we are seeking new spiritual wisdom, we find that everyone, including people who may annoy us can teach us something new, something important.

April Peerless


May your day be filled with love and light. May you shine for others who cannot see that they are on a spiritual path too…

April Peerless


Live your life fully. Explore and test the waters. We must not let a single chance life offers pass us by. Question everything and seek out what comforts your very spirit. When you find a truth your intuition should say” I have always known this somehow,this is true!” You can always trust this part of yourself.. Live and love! that’s what life is really all about.

April Peerless


For the most beautiful garden.Plant only seeds of love .

April Peerless


Every living creature has some form of beauty.Life has a million delights. Don’t forget to enjoy them. April Peerless


Nature brings to me a reminder just how wonderful life really is..

April Peerless


The most beautiful thoughts we can have, will always come from the heart..

April Peerless


Every choice we make matters, some of which can change the direction in our lives completely. April Peerless


As I learn to live through the inner part of me, my life becomes more and more peaceful. I feel free! I see beauty everywhere!

April Peerless


Activate the vibration of kindness and compassion And do not let the vibration fade away again. April Peerless


We cannot overcome the last chapter of our life, until we stop putting energy into it. Each chapter is a different level of wisdom, a new beginning and more life-lessons. Each chapter starts as a gift unopened. Don’t forget to open yours.

April Peerless


Teach children while they are young to love all living beings. Flowers, trees, people and animals too. Teach compassion. April Peerless


Blessed are the old souls, for whom the earth has longed..

April Peerless


Consider right now to be the good ol’ days.



Everyone has their battles. We all struggle and try and wear a brave face. Maybe with this thought alone we can learn to embrace each other a little more easily.

April Peerless


Embrace who you are with love and knowing. Then you will feel hungry for new spiritual growth.

April Peerless


Sometimes we have to go within, to that place that is of peace and solace and that connects us to our Creator. It’s a place of prayer and understanding, where our true wisdom resides.It’s that place that reminds us who we really are.. Today I go to my inner temple, not to pray but rather listen.

April Peerless


Do not think to yourself, ” I have made a mistake and I have wasted my time.” You grow through different parts of your life for different reasons, all life-lessons are so you can transform and evolve and become more than you were before. It is likely that you had chosen each chapter in your life, each life-lesson yourself. When the time comes for that chapter to close, it will close and that is that. Transformation is the process of life itself.Embrace this and carry on. ~April Peerless Mantra: Today I will stop being so hard on myself.

April Peerless


A wise person does not gossip about others. But rather are aware of another’s needs.

April Peerless


An important knowledge is to understand that we are surrounded by mystery.Our inner voice leads us naturally to places we can not see or touch with our worldly eyes and hands. And we understand naturally that we are far more than our bodies and our life within this world alone. There is a yearning that leads us on a quest into the mysterious.Embrace the mystery of all you can be!

April Peerless


May we open our minds and our hearts while in this beautiful Era of Spiritual awakening and embrace each other for our differences rather than just our similarities..

April Peerless


I see a beautiful Soul in the wildlife that humans fear. We must learn to understand all living beings before it is too late… We are meant to love them, not hurt them. Money should never be more important than they are…

April Peerless


Into the deep of the mysterious I am as a child in wonder.always looking in awe for the answers that I know are there for me to find. Oh beautiful life, the depth of you is like a magical love story!

April Peerless


Breathe in deeply and let your life unfold, as a Lotus flower unfolds drinking in the sunlight.. Allow your Spiritual nature to take you to where you are meant to be. You can trust that part of yourself, always.. April Peerless


Home is where the heart is. Now say it again but don’t think of a house.

April Peerless


Every day should be thought of as a special day, because when it has finished it is a day of our life we will never have again. Each day plant love so it will never be a day wasted.

April Peerless


We cannot overcome the last chapter of our life, until we stop putting energy into it. Each chapter is a different level of wisdom, a new beginning and more life-lessons. Each chapter starts as a gift unopened. Don’t forget to open yours.

April Peerless


Wonder leads to seeking. Seeking leads to wisdom. Wisdom leads to love.

April Peerless


I am grateful to our furry friends, they know how to make us smile even when we are having a hard day. April Peerless


Don’t push new wisdom away just because you weren’t taught that’s how it is. That would be a waste and damaging to your inner being. You will know the truth when you hear it from within, because your inner-being will recognize it as if you had always known it. Don’t believe what others say is the truth without passing it by your Soul first. Find your own truth. Embrace and carry on.

April Peerless


Take the time out, not only for your body, but also for your Soul.

April Peerless


To find yourself in awe over the stars and moon during the night.To feel grateful after a walk in natures beauty. To be filled with joy by a birds beautiful song; is to be rooted firmly in the simple life, able to embrace the gifts that are there for each of us.

April Peerless


Every one of us experience happiness in life and every one of us experience hard times. It is all a part of the grand design, to learn, to grow, to laugh, to cry, to feel every human emotion and then with time we learn to let what no longer serves us go, we see life with our spirit and through the love of our Creator. Finally when we get to that place inside,we know it is the right place because we realize that life is truly beautiful after all.

April Peerless


Today may we embrace all that we are in this moment. Our true colors really are beautiful.

April Peerless


May we be blessed to gain new wisdom, each and every day! Have a good day everyone.

April Peerless


The time is ”now” to overcome any hardships. Transformation will follow once you let go. Embrace this and carry on!

April Peerless


The moment we start to see our life as a blessing, is the same moment our life will become one. A.Peerless


We are meant to evolve spiritually and mentally in our lives. Don’t waste another day being stuck in the old, where your spiritual nature is always so hungry for new wisdom.



Remember when we would draw pictures with the clouds during the day And by night we would draw pictures with the stars? I do..

April Peerless


The core of all spiritual practice is simple. Be love,be peaceful and always hold close a compassionate heart.



We should not believe our Creator is full of hate and prepared to send anyone at all to a place called hell.. A.Peerless


Keeping a soft heart in a hardened world, takes courage. It is not a weakness. April Peerless


We should not think of ourselves as wiser or better than others. We should rather think ‘I have learned with the guidance of my Spirit, I therefore am able to give of myself to others spiritually and I allow others to give to me Spiritually.’ Keep it real. Follow your heart, not your pride.

April Peerless


To love and respect all living beings is to be rooted in your Spirituality.

April Peerless


A child is like an angelic being straight from heaven, bringing love and joy to the weary heart…

April Peerless


The gift of true healing will begin with our thoughts. When we nurture our mind with positive thoughts the ugly will soon become beautiful. We begin to do kind things from the heart and think kind words.This allows our very essence to unfold in a wonderful way. When we master our thoughts we master our lives. April Peerless


I am not as afraid of death as I am not to have lived. April Peerless


Every day should be thought of as a special day, because when it has finished it is a day of our life we will never have again. Each day plant love so it will never be a day wasted.

April Peerless


In truth alone, the answer will always be love.

April Peerless


It is love that changes us to becoming better people. It is love that brings to us our truth through spiritual enlightenment.



Transformation is the process of life. Embrace this and carry on.

April Peerless


The sacredness of life is a gift. Find the joy in your journey, because it is a way to say thank you to life. April Peerless


Every experience we have in our life is a gift to our-self or a gift to others.

April Peerless


It isn’t wise to try to change people. Just love them as they are. If a change is meant to happen it will happen because of love. Love is what changes us. A.Peerless


Let our actions be about Love to help heal humanity. May love guide our way.

April Peerless


There should always be people in your life that will leave footprints on your heart!

April Peerless


It’s true; life can break our hearts, but afterwards we are stronger in those places. April Peerless


To love all animals is to love all life. To love all life, is to be rooted in your spirituality. To be rooted in your spirituality, is beautiful..

April Peerless


Breathe in deeply And let your life unfold.

April Peerless


I asked the Universe to shine its beautiful light through every single soul whom is looking.

April Peerless


Peacefulness comes to those who know how to look.



One of the most beautiful journeys we can ever take in our lives, is that which calls us to journey within.. Once we take that journey within, all that is outside of us becomes even more beautiful than before.. April Peerless


Collect moments,not things. When all is said and done, beautiful moments are your true treasures. April Peerless 2014


Drink in life slowly, without rushing to the future or backwards to the past..

April Peerless


Animals truly do have personality, love, loyalty, forgiveness and appreciation towards not only their own kind but the human species as well..

April Peerless


Sometimes others may not understand you but it doesn’t mean that you are not on the right path. Trust your own intuition, always.



Don’t stay the same. Be better! ————————————————————-

Go where your heart leads. You can trust that part of yourself..

April Peerless


Live as though everything you see or touch is a miracle, because it is! Care for others as if they were truly a child of your Creator, because they are.

April Peerless


I trust my intuition to bring me where it will bring me. I know I am right where I need to be. I have come to the understanding that life is a gift. May the candle of my heart flow over, with even more love and compassion for others.

April Peerless


We must never be defeated by anything or anyone. In life perseverance is key.

April Peerless


When I look at an animal. Any animal. I see love and true love comes from the soul. A.Peerless


Fate creates opportunities for new spiritual growth and a higher understanding..

April Peerless


Once you begin your search for spiritual wisdom, something beautiful begins to happen. You see it everywhere.Through others, through nature, in your thoughts, and in the beautiful silence where everything becomes so clear. Keep going, the most beautiful things are waiting to be discovered.

April Peerless


When we are able to have compassion for others we become wise enough to gain an understanding about them.. With understanding, fear fades away and with fear gone we will gain acceptance. With acceptance love will likely follow.. Everything and everyone, needs a little understanding and a lot of love..

April Peerless


May our eyes see the beauty that surrounds us in each and every moment. May our hearts stay strong And may Love conquer greed and hatred.

April Peerless


It is never a weak thing to be kind and gentle. In fact it takes strength to carry this yoke and wisdom to have compassion for those that do not.



For those of us who have had a tough start in life, always try to remember there is a reason and a purpose and it is for the greater good.. You now have the beautiful gift of compassion and understanding for others.Embrace this and be happy.

April Peerless2013


In order to surpass our fears we must first believe that we can because most everything we want is on the other side of fear..

April Peerless


Children see the awe in life, because they are always looking,

April Peerless


Oh beautiful life,the depth of you is like a magical love story..

April Peerless


Blessed are we that follow the voice of our intuitive knowing. The voice of our Souls!

April Peerless


Life doesn’t always give you the people you want, life also gives you the people you need. There will be people that love you, dislike you, hurt you, help you, leave you,stay with you, all to make you the person that you are meant to be..

April Peerless


May all that we learn each and every day be about love; to give love, receive love and to be love. And may this love bring the peace and healing that our world so desperately needs.

April Peerless


From out of the darkness I was lifted up by invisible arms. I was lifted into a place where I could actually see a light. There was nowhere for me to go anymore but within, and perfect timing was not a coincidence.. Each day the darkness slipped away further and further. It still does.. Yes, even I have a purpose. My purpose was to find my gift and share it with all of my heart.. We must find the gift we have been blessed with, and share it with all of our hearts.. April Peerless


May your beautiful Soul shine so brightly that even the shadows disappear.

April Peerless


There comes a time in everyone’s life where we have to take a good look at ourselves and make sure we aren’t living through the expectations of others.,Staying true to yourself is most important. April Peerless


You are my reminder to each of us of our interconnectedness..

April Peerless


Nothing glows brighter than a soul on fire for new spiritual wisdom.

April peerless


Look with your heart and see the love, because this is a family too!

April Peerless2013


We should never lose our playfulness, no matter how old we get because a playful heart stays young in spirit..

April Peerless


To live blindly is to see the World and believe that is all there is, that there is nothing more.. To live Spiritually is to believe that everything you can’t see with your worldly eyes is where the answers are found. In that place I begin to feel alive. In that place the World can teach me more..

April Peerless


Words are so powerful.They have the power to bring love and peace and they have the power to spread hatred and destroy. Choose words to bring all that is good.

April Peerless


Sometimes when things are a little crazy, I forget how much I’m blessed.

April Peerless


As the first blossoms of spring begin to open, may we also open our hearts to more forgiveness, understanding, Love and compassion towards one another. Have a wonderful Spring. A time of growth and beautiful colors.



If you want to be truly strong, don’t allow the trials in life to harden your heart..

April Peerless


Some things are little lift treasures; like puppy breath, a country road and butterfly kisses.



I love my child heart, more now that I am older. It keeps me opened to many mysteries where without it, I could not see.



I asked the Universe to shine its beautiful light through every single soul whom is looking.



Once you begin your search for spiritual wisdom, something beautiful begins to happen. You see it everywhere.Through others, through nature, in your thoughts, and in the beautiful silence where everything becomes so clear and so still. Keep going, the most beautiful things are waiting to be discovered. A.Peerless2014


The core of all Spiritual practice is simple. Be love, be peaceful and always hold close a compassionate heart!

April Peerless


Don’t think you have wasted time. The spiritual path is not always doing the right things or not making mistakes. It’s not a race.. Every single Soul blossoms in it’s own time and in it’s own way..

April Peerless


We should not think of ourselves as wiser or better than others. We should rather think ‘I have learned with the guidance of my Spirit, I therefore am able to give of myself to others spiritually and I allow others to give to me Spiritually.’ Keep it real. Follow your heart, not your pride.

April Peerless


There is nothing stronger than what comes from the heart.



There is a stirring going on.
It’s a stirring of a billion Souls.
It’s the stirring of Eternal Love.
The mixer is our Creator whispering,
”I AM here, I AM here..”

April Peerless


Be like the butterfly. Evolve into a better you and keep evolving everyday.



If you feel as if something inside of you is calling you to the next level, that is because you are ready..



On this journey during this gift of life given to me; I stumble, I fall but as long as I keep getting back up and dusting myself off I know that I can never fail.

April Peerless


The time is now express yourself you are not weak because you are gentle.



There comes a time in everyone’s life where we have to take a good look at ourselves and make sure we aren’t living through the expectations of others.,Staying true to yourself is most important.

April Peerless


Animals truly do have personality, love, loyalty, forgiveness and appreciation towards not only their own kind but the human species as well..

April Peerless


Life doesn’t always give you the people you want, life also gives you the people you need. There will be people that love you, dislike you, hurt you, help you, leave you,stay with you, all to make you the person that you are meant to be..

April Peerless


Love all of life and you will be grounded to that which is the very essence of your Soul.

April Peerless


Love is the most beautiful gift we have to offer and it is who and why we are.

April Peerless


When I am in nature I am in my church. I quiet my mind and the most beautiful music touches my Soul. I think to myself, thank you, thank you, thank you.

April Peerless


Every one of us experience happiness in life and every one of us experience hard times. It is all a part of the grand design, to learn, to grow, to laugh, to cry, to feel every human emotion and then with time we learn to let what no longer serves us go, we see life with our spirit and through the love of our Creator. Finally when we get to that place inside,we know it is the right place because we realize that life is truly beautiful after all.

April Peerlesss


Knowing your true self

is the beginning of all answers.



Into the deep of the mysterious I am as a child in wonder.always looking in awe for the answers that I know are there for me to find. Oh beautiful life, the depth of you is like a magical love story..

April Peerless


I am grateful to those who have earned a place in my heart, because they have blessed my life with new meaning.

April Peerless


Even through the hard times, Creator I give you thanks.



Fear only exist when we don’t have faith.

April Peerless


If you’re lost, find yourself. If you’re in pain, let it go. When you get older you realize how short life really is.Make sure to live it And live it well!

April Peerless


Just the presence of someone who understands, is more comforting than words could ever be.

April Peerless


It isn’t wise to try and change people. Just love them as they are instead. If a change is meant to happen it will happen because of love. Love is what changes us.

April Peerless


Life is the best gift a person can receive.

If you want to show your gratitude the best thing you can give in return is love..

Not only for another human being but other living beings as well.

April Peerless


We are not the mistakes we have made.We are that which wanted to change because of them. April Peerless


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